Sunday, February 17, 2013

A dream, a revolution, a change – need it see so much carnage ?
An exercise in destruction or a desperate attempt to salvage,
Is it freedom to exercise the free will that excites the masses,
Don’t they see the only change is who they serve in the name of the classes ?
And do they want to exercise power and take all that comes along,
Or merely gloat in the vague perception of some emotional patriotic song;
Are they so high on the opium called religion to not see anything,
Why is there no one with anger and purpose whose eyes are seething ?
Does social awakening now serve a mere clerical purpose of documentation,
Revising the method of recording history, a minor periodic change in notation ?
The life of a dog appeals so much – to exist for years ten and then dissolve,
Doing nothing and being nobody seems to be a common popular resolve…
Leaving no footprint tangible or intangible, no interest bearing principal,
What to do – the common man has to first worry about his survival…

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