Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Large shiny black eyes, beautiful thick brows,
Thin mouth set firmly, as if everything she knows,
Silken flowing black hair, falling on arms slightly bent,
Fists tightly closed, as if on a mission she had been sent,
A mission that maybe she had never liked at all,
Against which her heart had given a passionate call…

Oft when in the morning the mirror she saw,
Wondered she – with her face what was the flaw ?
Whence came the fear she saw in so many eyes,
Could no one even hope that she might be nice ?
For they hated her even before seeing her once,
Her fear was passed away from fathers to sons,
So less were those that had seen her face full,
They loved her beauty, said they – of grace she was so full…
And they said her eyes were full of love and pity,
Find they could not why others thought she was all cruelty,
Had she not ended so many unending sufferings ?
Had she not gone to those who had called out her name,
In moments of hopelessness, who had gone by her fame,
Thinking that to all their problems she would be the solution,
Though never did she know how they got this notion …

For only she knew what it was to face the mother of the son she went to,
To look into the eyes of so many others he had been known to,
To each of whose hearts were tied strings he had pulled,
They all blamed her, not seeing the tears she had in her eyes,
So she had learnt to smile, not waiting any longer for her prize…
For such was her task, such was her existence,
But I bow to her, for I have heard my sentence,
Hear me, I look forward to meet thee,
And I can hardly stop feeling all glee,
I shall love you forever, till time doth stoppeth,
None can take you away from me, my dear Death !

1 comment:

Neha Sanghvi said...

Hahah, this is yet another even more toned-down output, no? :)

While the idea works for me alright, I would've loved it if you had put in the conflicting emotions with a bit more intensity. Right now, it's a good read but I don't feel the need to go through it once more to capture any hidden emotion somewhere which I might have missed the first time.

That's all, I guess. :) A really different approach to musing on Death - that was surely the best part of this.